Saturday 30 July 2011

002 - Some life drawings

Oh ya, I have a blog...

It's been a little while, but I will now attempt to join the second largest group among bloggers - those with 2 posts.  I'm assuming that far and away the largest group would be those with just one post, but enough chit-chat...On to some actual drawings!  These are all from a drop in life drawing session I went to last weekend.

Okay here was the first one.  Hadn't been to actual life drawing in over a month, so I felt a little rusty.

Also the paper they had there was huge, and it was the kind of set-up where you had to sit instead of stand, which took a bit of getting used to - and yes, I'm still talking about drawing.

These are all 30 second poses so far, practicing sketching people around town seems to have helped with my speed.  My 30 second poses used to be a lot more hit or miss.  I like the one in the middle.

 Nice bit of action in the top middle one.  Bottom left seemed to be pretty close to the seated pose I was trying to get down.

Still trying to stay loose, and not get to heavy right away.  Also getting a bit better at getting the contour line in fewer strokes, and with more of a straight or curve idea (instead of a scratchy wavy mushy idea)

Like the weight on this page.  Arms and shoulders feel like they're working hard in those top two.  Decent volumes on the bottom ones.

Head bugs me on the top right one.  Rest of them are alright though.  Two minute poses here.

A few more 2s

First page of 5s.  Trying to remember how faces work.

Like this one a lot, though it kind of looks like I may have forgot for a second that I was drawing the top of his left foot.  Might have to go back in there and draw a big-toe toenail.

Last one of the day.  Nice to get back to some studio life drawing.  After drawing people that move whenever they feel like it, 5 minutes feels like plenty of time.